The airbag ribbon is an electronic unit that is applied in the steering wheel. This component ensures that you can control your audio system can be operated via the steering wheel buttons. The airbag ribbon is a highly sensitive part of your car which has to be replaced with extreme caution.
There I was, driving in my i20 (Koreans finest) and suddenly, while I was certain I was trying to increase the volume, it suddenly went over to the radio.
After a quite a research on the net I figured out this might have happened due to this naughty little part.
In order to confirm this, you can simply execute a simple test. Just try to use the command buttons on the steering wheel while simultaneously turning the steering wheel itself. There should be a moment that suddenly the buttons will work properly again. If this is the case, then you can be almost certain that the ribbon must be replaced. Don’t wait too long though, for in due time it will cause an airbag error.
for more additional information about the airbag ribbon, you can search the internet. But if your ribbon has had its best time, make sure to replace this in time.
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